The Departmental Committee of Speleology and Canyoning of Bouches-du-Rhône (CDSC13) is the new owner of SFD8 and ensures its dissemination in an associative approach. ( Click here to find out more )

The CDSC13 is the decentralized departmental body of the French Speleology Federation (FFS). It is an association law 1901 competent for any activity in an underground environment (natural or artificial).

Our sports practice is at the service of the discovery and the protection of an environment still little known.

Thus, the exploration and the discovery of cavities and canyons are means to better know the underground water reserves, the geology and all an extremely adapted fauna. They are also inexhaustible teaching aids aimed at young people and specific audiences.

Our federates are leading experts for all documentation of the environment: topography, photography, hydrogeological measurements, geomorphology, biological samples, counts of bats ... We work in collaboration with the academic or associative specialists concerned.

In addition, by agreement with the prefecture of Bouches-du-Rhône, we are emergency rescue managers in the underground environment.